
Wednesday, January 08, 2014


Whenever i find her tears rolling by
 I feel my pacemaker rusting by
 In her profound grief
 I try to console her by my smile
 She has given her all, so as i can shape in
 Now it's my turn to correspond her
 I am her beloved son
"Thou can't understand", she says to my dad
"It's between mother and son"
 What all mothers are made of
 surely not iron and steel
 Their love is like cotton, pure and soft
 Whilst, the protective shell is like platinum
 Hard and difficult to get in
 Oh all beloved sons
 Please take care of her
 Because it is impossible to make heaven twice
 But once you can surely reach, by silently touching her feet.

Monday, January 06, 2014

A Storm

A storm is brewing inside
A storm is brewing outside
Mind is all meddled and messed
Crestfallen can be called at best
Outside, its all moist and sticky
With the far- off gardener's abode all rickety
The world is anything but a purist's delight
Feel sorry for its pick-pockety plight
Lust of all and love for nothing
Could they bring us the vintage green and that amazing spring
With his shaking hands, he collects some drops
Farmer this year hasn't got any crops
Possess still that grumpy smile
But minus the shrewd bag of guile
Green bill has got all the attention
Country side, well just say a detention
 Caressing his sailor like beard and bum
Old man is craving for his rustic rum
So he decides to go inside as the storm rakes up some pace
ALAS! homo sapiens sapiens;with an inflated ego and a deceptive carapace
And the storm continues to brew outside
Yes, and a storm is also brewing inside.